Dear Companions and friends of the Community of the Resurrection, particularly those living in or near the Diocese of Norwich, please take note of the meeting proposed by Fr Ben Bradshaw on 12 April. I will be in Norfolk at that time as I will be accompanying Fr Carl Melville and his parishioners as we journey through Holy Week. So I will arrive a couple of days early to be at the relaunch of the St Benet’s Community in Horning. My hope is that Companions and friends of CR would be present. I think this is an opportunity to explore how the relaunched Community of St Benedict, a rejuvenated branch of the Companions of CR and the Community of the Resurrection could cooperate in promoting the vision of St Benedict and the Founding Fathers of CR in spreading the Gospel, promoting pilgrimage and supporting the Christian Church. I look forward to meeting Companions, members of the Community of St Benet and other interested enquirers on 12 April. Meanwhile have a good Lent.
In Christ,
John Gribben CR
St Benet’s abbey was the only monastic order that was not closed down by Henry VIII during the Reformation and was instead passed into the care of the bishop of Norwich; to this day, the bishop remains as the abbey’s abbot and provides spiritual oversight to current community members.

Each year on the last Sunday of July there is an annual service in the remains of the ancient abbey at which the bishop of Norwich arrives by wherry; the annual service is a fantastic opportunity for current and new members to make or renew their vows.
St Benet’s Community is currently going through an exciting period of regeneration and would warmly welcome interest from potential new members. With regular meetings throughout the year both in person and online this is a fantastic opportunity that is open to everyone who is interested in the Rule of St Benedict. The Community offers support, companionship, and a path of Christian discipleship that is inspired by the teaching of St Benedict.
St Benet’s Community is also excited to announce a newly formed relationship with the Community of the Resurrection (CR) in Mirfield, West Yorkshire. CR are a community of monks who follow the Rule of St Benedict and they have kindly agreed to provide support for a regenerated St Benet’s Community.
St Benet’s Community will be having a relaunch service to be held at St Benedict’s church, Horning, (Church road, NR12 8PZ) on Saturday 12 April at 2pm. If you are interested in joining St Benet’s Community, please do come along! Please be assured that there is no need to make any sort of commitment on the day! Simply come along, have a chat, and see if it is something you think would be beneficial for your own spiritual journey.
For more information please contact the rector of the Benefice of St Benedict – Fr Ben Bradshaw 01692 630216 or email Brother Ben.